Monday, September 17, 2007

Color Purple on Broadway

Members of the Renaissance E.M.S. band and chorus attend Color Purple performance on Broadway as guests of Renaissance E.M.S. supporter, Carol Young of Chappaqua. Thanks Carol!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Chappaqua Reception, July 25, 2007

Renaissance E.M.S. kids with Bervine Harris and Darren Quinlan (Renaissance EMS Co-Founders and Co-Executive Directors) and Carol and Howard Altarescu, Chairman of the Board

Jeff Gittleman of Chappaqua talking with Andre and Al, both members of the 18 and under basketball team. Andre attended the math SAT Prep classes led by Jeff and Dan Nadler of Chappaqua this past spring.

Bervine, a member of the band and of the 14 and under basketball team, Jeff Gittleman of Chappaqua, Andre and Al, both members of the 18 and under basketball team, Alan Goodman and Tina Landsberg, both of Briarcliff Manor

Howard Altarescu. Chairman of the Board, talking with Alistair Dunn of Chappaqua and Carol Young of Mt. Kisco

Chris, a member of the band, talking with Adele Schwartz, a native of the South Bronx, who will be providing College Application guidance to the Renaissance E.M.S. kids this coming Fall

Co-Executive Director Bervine Harris and Rachel Goodman Davis

Bervine, a member of the band and of the 14 and under basketball team talking with Helen Savio of Chappaqua

Our vocalists bring down the house

Randy and Chris